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Music inspires everyone, all of us. I’ve yet need to meet a single person who hasn’t or

doesn’t have a favorite artist, song, or album. From Country to Pop, from Screamo to Electronica, people everywhere listen to music. It moves us, it makes us think, its what wakes me up in the morning when I’m drinking my tea and smoking my joint. Listening to the sad country style blues from First Aid Kit, or the rap stylings of Chance the Rapper, even the mutli-toned atmosphere that Kaytranada delivers to my ears. Its that sweet sound that really wakes me up and makes me feel something that no one else could. Music creates the situation for everything, it sets the board, it moves nations, it allows us to rise. Rise up from the darkness we face from everyday life, rise from our endless overshadowing graves that we dig from work and school. Open up your lap top, and log into Spotify, light a joint or open up a bottle of wine, and just listen.

2016 really opened my mind’s eye. I smoked a lot of weed, did too much acid where my mind felt it was going to explode, and I went to shows that amazed me and made me feel things I never thought of before. Raising my fist at a Jenny Lewis concert and crying while she played “Better Son/Daughter” (Rilo Kiley), grooving at a Haim concert and meeting their parents, and being really stoned and ready to dance at Camp Flog Gnaw. All these experiences opened new things for me, and made me realize that, I, myself, am more than just a singer songwriter who longs for the attention for crowds. No, I need to spread my love for music a long side my best friend, and show the world how cool it could be. MunchieTime Collective was born.

We worked endlessly just to get someone to even hear our voices. We worked and created media platforms, and options for people to grow and listen with the music they already love, or the music they are going to love. Yeah, there were some bumps in the road, but what else would a brilliant idea like this need? We came out of those bumps and we aspired other people to create their own ways of sharing art and music.

Holly, is the mastermind. She is the one that birthed MunchieTIme, she is the one that has had outside music influence her life, to where she needed to share it. I did too, but Holly, Holly had a gift. She knew what it took to become something, and she chose the paths onto building our company. Now me, I was the skeptic. I was the one that thought that no one l would care about this as much as we did. Well you, my dear amazing reader, you care as much as we do. And you help me, the skeptic, to believe in hope in this world. In hope that music will actually inspire people, hope that music will finally break out of this constant circle of “corporation.”

You are the reason why Holly and I keep doing what we do! You visited our sight to read this intro, you took the time to listen to what we have to say. So tell me… What do you have to say? Will you let the music INTO your soul? Will you let the music MOVE you? Will you let the music INSPIRE you? Will you let the music FEED you? Will you RISE?!

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